Although our mailing address is Cruis, we are not in the village but almost 3 km to the east with a new street address: 2207 chemin de Mallefougasse. Some GPS systems accept Quartier Parrot but better to enter:
Latitude 44071036 Longitude 5875003
If you arrive from St Etienne les Orgues, drive straight through Cruis. As you leave the village continue right on the main road (D951). After less than 3 km you will see an ochre house on the left and some garbage bins on the right. Turn left and take the dirt road up the hill.
If you take the road from Forcalquier to Sigonce, continue on to Montlaux but don’t enter the hamlet. Stay on the main road that turns right and then take the first road on your right through lavender fields and several farms. Then go straight across the main road and take the dirt road up.
If you arrive on the A51, take Exit 20 and follow the signs through two roundabouts to Mallefougasse. You take the D101 up past the Chapelle St Donat until you get to the D951, where you turn left. About 3 km after leaving Mallefougasse drive slowly through two hairpin turns and you will see a small paved road and some recycling bins on the left and a house on the right. Make a sharp right turn and go straight up the unpaved road.
WARNING! Some GPS systems ignore our little dirt road and take you into Cruis and then back out along the old dirt road.
If you’re arriving by TGV or plane at the Marseille airport and don’t rent a car, there is a bus that will bring you to the commuter parking lot just off the A51 at Peyruis where we can pick you up for €20 if you let us know ahead of time.
Bon voyage!